• MS: Ahead of their times

    I have had this conversation with some friends and wanted to note it down. Because every time a new product category or a feature/service gets announced, the same conversation happens: Microsoft did something similar in the past. The most recent example of this was in the area of VR/AR with the Oculus Quest and Vision…

  • Drobo to Synology

    On September 25, 2012 I decided to get myself a big enough hard drive to store my files in a safely manner and ‘offline’. This was the year that services like Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive started to gain traction and online storage was starting to become normal. From the many options available, I went with a…

  • First Post

    Finally seem to have gotten my own website, host, and server going. Somethings “just worked”, while others I still don’t know *how* they are working…